Institutional Review Board
The Carthage College Institutional Review Board (IRB) reviews all research projects involving human participants. The IRB ensures research projects comply with Federal Guidelines for the protection of the rights and safety of human participants in research studies/ projects.
Projects requiring IRB review
- All research initiated by faculty or staff focused on human participants.
- All research projects that gather any information that can be used to distinguish or trace an individual’s identity, such as name, social security number, date and place of birth, mother’s maiden name, or biometric records.
- All research projects that may present risk to participants, including physical, social, or psychological risk.
- All dissertations, theses or other student projects researching human participants.
- All training programs with a human subjects research component, regardless of the source of funding.
Learn more about IRB
VIDEO: What is an IRB?
- What guides IRB decisions?
- The Belmont Report
- The Revised Common Rule
- The Revised Common Rule videos
- What’s new with IRB Review under the Revised Common Rule?
Links to Get You Started
- Faculty/Staff Researcher
- Student Researcher
- Research Participant
- Training
- IRB Forms and Resources
- Federal Guidelines
Need Help? Have Questions? Contact
- Reach out to members of the IRB as a resource before submitting a project. See a list of committee members
- Questions about the IRB process, forms, or your submission? Write to
- Need technical assistance with IRBNet? Write to
- Need technical assistance with CITI System? Contact Sheila Simonsen at
- If you have utilized the information provided on this website, but still require assistance, email to schedule a meeting.